
WSAA as a service to its members publishes a range of informative and useful publications including case studies, fact sheets, guidelines, reports, position and occasional papers and submissions.

Product appraisals & reports

The WSAA National Product Appraisals program is a voluntary scheme that provides a single coordinated appraisal of a product's conformity to the needs of the urban water businesses.

View all appraisals About appraisals
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 6 Using nutrient offsets to improve the Logan River
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 5 Irrigating Adelaide's Airport for a heat reduction trial
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 4 Using water industry know-how in a new way
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 3 Greening the Pipeline
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 2 More value than just water and sewerage services
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 1 The value of clean beaches
Water Services Association of Australia
Emerging pathogens of concern for the water industry fact sheets
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper on National Water Reform
Water Services Association of Australia
Tapping the Power of Inclusion and Diversity in Urban Water
Water Services Association of Australia & Diversity Partners
Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to IPART Draft Report on prices for wholesale water and sewerage services
Water Services Association of Australia
Asset Management Customer Value (AMCV) 2016
Water Services Association of Australia