
WSAA as a service to its members publishes a range of informative and useful publications including case studies, fact sheets, guidelines, reports, position and occasional papers and submissions.

Product appraisals & reports

The WSAA National Product Appraisals program is a voluntary scheme that provides a single coordinated appraisal of a product's conformity to the needs of the urban water businesses.

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Submission to IPART Review of Financeability Test
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to the Consultation Paper for Review of the Guidelines and Essential Users Determination under the Liquid Fuel Emergency Act 1984
Water Services Association of Australia
Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report: Global goals for local communities
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to the National Health and Medical Research Council draft of Chapter 5 of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines – Microbial Quality of Drinking Water
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to the review of the Exposure Draft of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Bill 2017
Water Services Association of Australia
Harnessing the digital economy
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to the review of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Bill 2017
Water Services Association of Australia
Submission to IPART on developer charges and backlog sewerage charges for metropolitan water agencies
Water Services Association of Australia
Vector-borne Pathogens, Climate Change and Water Sensitive Urban Design Project Fact Sheet
Water Services Association of Australia
Social Environmental Tool Project Fact Sheet
Water Services Association of Australia
Smart Control of Water Systems to Improve Management of Drinking Water Quality Project Fact Sheet
Water Services Association of Australia