2014 has been another big year for WSAA and the urban water industry and 2015 will probably see further changes.  It has been great to see the opportunities for collaboration across the industry expanding as new WSAA networks and projects are formed.

It’s been a challenging year in ‘association’ land as well, with some entities winding up, and other research agencies working feverishly on consolidating outcomes and funding arrangements.

Thinking back to earlier in the year, we held a highly successful stream at Ozwater which focused on private sector participation in urban water, capital recycling and customer value.  These topics continued to be relevant throughout the year.  Our members are clear that the customer is important to them and indeed the work that WSAA does sees benefits for the customer as we share and innovate together.

On a national level, WSAA has had an extremely productive year advocating with stakeholders in Canberra. In a challenging and complex parliamentary environment, we have been working on and advocating for robust and sensible urban water policy in the context of the National Water Commission Abolition Bill, the Emissions Reduction Fund and the Asset Recycling Bills.  As it stands only the Emissions Reduction Fund has become law and it possibly provides opportunities for our members in the future.

One example of our advocacy work is how WSAA used the Improving Economic Regulation Report to engage with a wide range of stakeholders from Senators and Ministers to Treasury, Department of Environment and Regulators. The Report, completed under the guidance of WSAA’s Commercial Performance Network, focuses on improvements to economic regulation that are in the long term interests of customers and stakeholders.

WSAA also lodged a number of submissions to reviews and inquiries representing our members in providing a whole of urban water sector view. Currently we are working on the WELS review submission and the Senate Committee inquiry into the privatisation of state assets.

It’s fair to say that the positive outcomes from projects and collaboration on networks is not possible without the expertise that comes from staff in our member utilities. We have started a couple of new networks and revitalised others, in particular the Safety Network.

Other key highlights from this year have included:

  • Launch of the Liveability and Urban Planning Occasional Papers
  • Development of the Health Based Target Manual for Drinking Water
  • Development of the people and productivity paper, Building our understanding of people and productivity
  • Release of new and updated codes and standards
  • Smart Metering Digital Conference with over 100 attendees.

With four Board Committees and many networks, communities of practice and projects on the go, 2015 is shaping up to be another jam packed year! 

A big thank you to the WSAA staff who are truly dedicated professionals. We are all working hard to provide value to you, our customers.  WSAA staff spend considerable time away from home and family and I wish them a wonderful and relaxing break with their families.  I hope you all enjoy a much needed break over Christmas and the new year.


19 Dec 2014

Adam Lovell

Adam Lovell

Executive Director