Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) and Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishing a platform for enhancing the value to members of both organisations and reinforcing their commitment to collaboration in the urban water industry.

The agreement was signed by Adam Lovell, Executive Director WSAA and David Cameron, A/CEO qldwater. The MOU is the first agreement between the organisations and recognises opportunities for both to work together as they advocate for the urban water industry.

The agreement provides discounted access to WSAA services for qldwater members with less than 20,000 property connections. Under the agreement, qldwater will inform and promote the benefits of WSAA membership to its members.

qldwater A/CEO David Cameron said the signing of the two year agreement was positive news for the industry.

“Queensland faces many challenges including an ever-changing regulatory environment, resource sector growth and extreme events, all of which place pressure on the delivery of water and sewerage services. qldwater has built a strong culture for sharing expertise and resources over the last decade, and the opportunity for our members to have greater participation in national opportunities through WSAA is an exciting one,” said Cameron.

WSAA Executive Director Adam Lovell said the MOU will lead to collaborative opportunities including the potential for joint events.

“Urban water services in Queensland vary from highly urbanised to small regional water utilities. Queensland is still growing rapidly, particularly in regional areas and having those larger regional members join benefits regional members around the country by sharing expertise and experience,” said Lovell.

qldwater is the central advisory and advocacy body within the Queensland urban water industry representing water service providers and local government. WSAA is the industry body that supports the Australian urban water industry, acting on behalf of all members to provide a strong, national voice for the industry.

Sandi Kolbe, 0427 224 694

23 Jun 2014

Sandi Kolbe

Sandi Kolbe

Communications Manager