We are pleased to welcome four new Board Members to the WSAA Board, Dr Nerina Di Lorenzo (Melbourne Water), Cameron Fitzgerald (Southern Rural Water), Anna Jackson (Unitywater), and Maree Lang (Greater Western Water). Roch Cheroux (Sydney Water) and Djuna Pollard (Power and Water Corporation) were also re-elected. They join Pat Donovan (Water Corporation) and David Ryan (SA Water) who remain on the Board.
Our new Directors bring different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds from our membership and we look forward to working with them to tackle the challenges and opportunities facing the water sector.
We would also like to thank our departing Directors, Shaun Cumming (Barwon Water), Nicole Davis (Redland City Council) and Lara Olsen (South East Water) for their significant contributions to the WSAA Board, our Committees and other initiatives over a number of years.
We are truly privileged to have so much interest from leaders wishing to join the WSAA Board and the passion and insights that all of our members bring through Members meetings, Board Committees and other engagement forums.
Our new Directors will be formally elected at our Annual General Meeting in early December.