Hunter Water hosted the WSAA's Innovation Futures Community of Practice meeting in September 2023. The event was a great success, and attendees had the chance to hear from an array of experts in the field. Special thanks were extended to Andy Olrich, Ian Pike, and the Hunter Water team for their introduction and contribution to the need to integrate an organisation’s cultural goals

During the meeting, attendees enjoyed informative presentations from industry professionals, Andy Olrich provided updates on the innovation program at Hunter, including Aquawater and other case studies. Tony McClymont talked about the potential Hydrogen Hub in Newcastle, while Apra Boyle-Gotla of Watercare discussed innovation in New Zealand, deep uncertainty and complexity, and safe-to-fail tests and trials. Siobhan Curren of the University of Newcastle gave an excellent overview of the purpose of innovation, Australia’s export landscape, and innovation as a learnable process.

Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in benchmarking discussions, hear from utilities about their mistakes, failures, and new ideas, and tour the Tomago Depot, including a working scale model of the dam, with flowing water. If you missed out, we highly recommend visiting the Tomago Depot next time you're in Newcastle.


11 Oct 2023

Rose Nguyen

Rose Nguyen

Communications Advisor