The Dare to Ask panel at WSAA's International Women's Day event was a refreshing take on discussing the experiences of women in the water industry.

The panel included: Dona Tantirimudalige - Managing Director, Westernport Water, Amanda Lewry - General Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure, SA Water, Liz Duguid – WSAA Young Utility Leader 22/23, Water Corporation, Rebecca Benson – Recruitment Coordinator, TasWater and was compered by WSAA's Evelyn Rodrigues.

The Panel shared their insights and advice on a variety of topics, ranging from diversity in hiring to the importance of allies and mentors. It was fantastic to hear from women with a diverse range of work and life experiences. The candid discussion was inspiring and challenging, leaving the audience with valuable insights and advice to apply in their own careers. Here are some reflections on the event from two of our Young Utility Leaders:

From Kate Buckley, Seqwater

This year, WSAA's International Women's Day event dared to try something new. The Dare to Ask panel was thoughtfully based on the ABC TV Series, You Can't Ask That, to spark a candid discussion about the experiences of women in the water industry. 

As Eve facilitated the discussion, I couldn't help but be inspired by the panellists courage and vulnerability. The personal experiences shared by Liz, Rebecca, Dona, and Amanda both empowered the audience and challenged our thinking.

For me, the most powerful takeaways stemmed from the final question - "what advice would you your younger self?" - listen to all advice (you'll receive a lot!) but don't blindly accept it all; always believe in yourself; be yourself at work; and, remember that you are your greatest asset so invest in yourself!

From Liz Duguid, Water Corporation

“I’ve been in the audience for quite a few international women’s day panels, and it was quite a surreal moment to suddenly be on the panel myself.

When Kate made the suggestion of mirroring the “you can’t ask that” ABC tv show, I thought instantly it would be a brilliant way to facilitate an open and honest conversation about the life of women in the water industry.

I personally felt inspired by the other panellists to share openly about my own experiences and really enjoyed hearing from all of them in answering the questions that Eve posed to us.

One key takeaway (although there were many!) from the session for me was Bec pointing out the difference between diversity hires and hiring for diversity.”

3 Apr 2023

Rose Nguyen

Rose Nguyen

Communications Advisor