The team at Smart Approved WaterMark are on an application drive for new water efficient products and services this month. We’d love to have a record amount of new applications by December 7 – in time for Summer.

Why apply for the Smart Approved WaterMark?

  • The independent Expert Panel provides third-party assessment of water saving. Once approved you are licensed to use the Smart WaterMark logo on your approved product/service packaging, point of sale information, website and marketing materials.
  • Your approved product/service will have its own dedicated page on the Smart WaterMark website featuring a large product image, description, company logo and external links to your site.
  • Smart WaterMark promotes its licensees in Australia through its marketing, PR and communications ie: social media posts, articles in newsletters, word of mouth, presentations at events and the website.
  • Licensees are recognised as supporters of Smart WaterMark in its national water efficiency campaigns.
  • During times of drought when rebates are offered, Smart WaterMark has been used as a criterion.
  • Water efficiency is a unique selling point. Current certificate holders have seen that certification provides market advantage.
  • If you are approved to use the Smart Watermark in Australia you can apply to extend your licence to include Europe without having to reapply.

As water professionals, we would really appreciate your help to share this information with your networks

Visit for more information. 

23 Nov 2017

Zoe Palmer

Zoe Palmer

Marketing and Communications Manager