We have continued to advocate on behalf of our members and the industry throughout this year.

One way we do this is by participating in inquiries and reviews through submissions. Some recent examples of submissions have included:

Exposure draft of revisions to the Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (due 27 November)

Earlier this month the Department of Home Affairs released their exposure draft of revisions to the Critical Infrastructure Act 2018. The Exposure draft codifies the elements of the recent consultation paper on the Critical Infrastructure Act. The amendments affect all water utilities, particularly those with greater than 100,000 property connections, or declared as Critical Infrastructure by Home Affairs. The exposure draft confers extensive powers on Home Affairs to intervene in the management of critical infrastructure assets in risk management and cyber security. WSAA is working with the Water Services Sector Group, the NSW and Qld Water Directorates and VicWater to develop a consolidated industry response and has invited our members to contribute. Contact Greg Ryan for more information.

ASBEC letter to the Building Ministers regarding compliance and energy efficiency

WSAA, along with 18 ASBEC members signed a letter to The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology and State and Territory Governments. The letter calls on Building Ministers across Australia to commit to releasing the Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Building Confidence reforms and maintain joint efforts to implement the reforms and the energy efficiency work as part of the National Construction Code in 2022. 

IPART’s Review of the Regulatory Framework 

IPART invited submissions on their review of its approach to regulation. WSAA has always been a strong supporter of independent economic regulation as a key pillar of the corporatisation model for government-owned utilities, and more generally for ensuring that monopoly industries are focused on customer outcomes. Read the submission here

Energy Security Board on the Post 2025 Market Design Consultation Paper

WSAA and its members understand the significant challenges for the energy sector outlined in this consultation paper. As significant energy consumers and producers, the water sector would welcome the opportunity to be closely engaged in future evolution of the energy system, as well as a range of other energy market operation and regulation matters that affect the sector’s interests. Read the submission here

23 Nov 2020

Laura Jaquest

Laura Jaquest

Communications Advisor