The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) congratulates the Queensland Government on the release today of WaterQ – a 30 year strategy for the Queensland water sector.

WSAA’s Executive Director, Adam Lovell said WSAA supports the Government in its efforts to consider the challenges for the future and establishing a clear vision and strategy for the water sector.

WSAA is encouraged to see the focus being placed on innovation, customer engagement and a transparent approach to regulation in the seven long-term strategic priorities outlined in WaterQ. “Queensland, possibly more than any other state in Australia, faces the increasing challenges of extreme weather events, climate change and a growing population. All of these impacts are amplified in water management.

Innovation will play a key role in the future of water management and WSAA supports the priorities which outline the role of collaboration in emerging technology and infrastructure”, said Mr Lovell. In the context of the vision that WSAA and its members have developed being “Customer Driven, Enriching Life”, WSAA supports the focus on better engagement with customers and the broader community.

Looking differently at the role of water utilities is also welcomed particularly the opportunities around waste to energy. Across the US and Europe water utilities are fast becoming energy producers, so a focus on this innovative approach is timely.

On regulation, WSAA welcomes the emphasis on customers including seeking better affordability by reducing regulatory burden and matching service standards with customer needs. The number one priority is ensuring health guidelines are achieved, but other service levels could be revised by working with local communities on their preferences and willingness to pay. The role of transparent benchmarking of water businesses with a focus on customer service is also strongly supported. WSAA strongly believes in the need to build a diversity of water supplies, fit for use, and is encouraged to see recycled water promoted in those available options.

“Innovation around water recycling, water efficiency and customer service will provide customers with choice in the way they use water, either around the home or for their business. The Innovation Panel is a worthy initiative to assist regional centres to develop solutions at the right scale and for the right purpose”, said Mr Lovell.

WSAA is the industry body that supports the Australia urban water industry. The Association facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing, networking and cooperation in the urban water industry.  


Sandi Kolbe, 0427 224 694  

24 Jul 2014

Sandi Kolbe

Sandi Kolbe

Communications Manager