The Competition Policy Review Panel sought comment on the National Competition Policy Review Draft Report.

WSAA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Competition Policy Review’s Draft Report. We note that the Review Panels overarching framework is to develop competition policy which is in the long term
interests of consumers. This strongly aligns with WSAA’s vision for the urban water industry which is Customer driven, enriching life. As discussed further in this submission it also aligns WSAA’s
recommendation that the objective of economic regulation of the urban water industry should be to meet the long term interests of customers.

While the Draft Report covers many issues, WSAA notes that it identifies water as a priority area for reform. Specifically, the Draft Report recommends the need to re‐commit to a national framework for water focusing on economic regulation. This submission summarises the views and recommendations of the Review Panel that relate to the urban water industry and provides WSAA’s response, including why WSAA supports the recommendation for national action to progress urban water reform.


AuthorWater Services Association of Australia
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Submission in response to National Competition Policy Review Draft Report November 2014 PDF