Over the past two years, W-Lab has provided members with the opportunity to learn and explore new technologies, with further collaboration on field trial demonstrations of selected few technologies.

To ensure that we keep on delivering what the industry needs for the next two years, the team at W-Lab held a three-part series ideation summit over May and June to review and reiterate the thinking from our members as part of technology innovation journey.

Key themes included:

  • Circular economy - explore new markets and recover value from waste
  • Environmental impact – progressing to net zero
  • Data – for better decisions, greater safety and automation
  • Customers – understanding and empowerment.

For a fun recap of the third day please take a look at the live scribe produced during the session.

The summit provided an extensive overview to refocus on the opportunity to collaborate and engage on technology opportunities to meet water service challenges. The summit also provided the new areas for technology showcases to be prioritised by W-Lab members and delivered over the next two years.

If you are interested to find out more please contact James.Gardner@wsaa.asn.au

29 Jun 2022

James Gardner

James Gardner

Manager Environment and Technology Research