
WSAA as a service to its members publishes a range of informative and useful publications including case studies, fact sheets, guidelines, reports, position and occasional papers and submissions.

Product appraisals & reports

The WSAA National Product Appraisals program is a voluntary scheme that provides a single coordinated appraisal of a product's conformity to the needs of the urban water businesses.

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Next Gen Urban Water Case study 5 Irrigating Adelaide's Airport for a heat reduction trial
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 4 Using water industry know-how in a new way
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 3 Greening the Pipeline
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 2 More value than just water and sewerage services
Water Services Association of Australia
Next Gen Urban Water Case study 1 The value of clean beaches
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovative solutions from the Australian water industry
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovation case study: Western Water Water Babies book enchants, informs young families
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovation case study: Southern Water (now TasWater) Pricing awareness & WaterSense campaign
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovation case study: SA Water Generating hydro electricity from bulk water flow to replace energy used and reduce carbon costs
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovation case study: Sydney Water partnership arrangement supplying recycled water and saving drinking water
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovation case study: SA Water Distribution system impact control for blended desalinated and surface water
Water Services Association of Australia
Innovation case study: SA Water Reducing sewage treatment costs and greenhouse gas emissions with efficient nitrogen removal
Water Services Association of Australia